As a teenager, you’d often find me with my head in a book. Following the journey of a girl who liked a boy but the boy didn’t realise until the final chapter. With them then living happily ever after. The Point Romance novels were my favourite, offering me the right amount of romance, angst and tear-filled heartbreak.
A second home
My local library was like a second home and I’d almost always have a book or two requested from another library to ensure I’d read the entire series. Or just revisiting one I’d already read but loved enough to read again (and again).
Sadly as I left school and discovered a world outside the pages of the books. I began to read less frequently. And for the past few years, the closest I have gotten to reading were the books on the children’s bookshelves.

Wanting to fall back in love with reading
However, last year I really wanted this to change and I wanted to fall back in love with reading. Adding an Amazon Kindle Paperwhite to my Christmas, birthday, Mother’s Day, anniversary wish lists. Alas, it is something that is still sitting on those lists, And just like most mothers, it’s not an expense that I can justify for myself. One of the children, yes, but not for me – it feels too selfish.
Finding a new balance
With high hopes of finding a new balance this year, I have been turning to books to help me switch off and get lost in the words and storyline. With my target of 12 books in 12 months on track to be completed. Possibly even sooner than the end of the year.
Admitting defeat
I’ve admitted defeat on the Amazon Kindle front and I’m enjoying picking up physical books to read. Albeit it’s not always practical and I often forget to pack into my bag etc. For these times, I’ve downloaded the Kindle app on my phone so that I’m able to read on the go. Whether I’m sat poolside as Tigger completes his swimming lesson. Sat in the doctors waiting room with one of the children. Or I’ve miraculously arrived early for preschool collection.
Whilst I’d still love a Kindle Paperwhite (hint, hint to any loved ones reading this), I have managed to fall back in love with reading. Long may it continue!
Do you prefer physical books or are you an e-reader?
Also, what ate you reading at the moment? I need recommendations for my reading list.