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Tainted Love Series by Montana Fyre: Dark Romance Series (3 Books)

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Tainted Love Series by Montana Fyre: Dark Romance Series (3 Books)

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Welcome to the Tainted Love series by author Montana Fyre. If you have read the Frost Industries series you will be familiar with these three side characters who each play an important role in their stories, but now it is time for them to step into the spotlight and share their own story.

This series is filled with romantic suspense and dark themes so please check the content warning included at the start of each book to ensure that it is within your comfort level.

Tainted Love Series Reading Order

Whilst each book can be read as a standalone as the stories overlap and are explained from the main character’s point of view, they are best read in the order they are published. If you want to get the full picture of who everyone is, you may wish to read Montana Fyre’s Frost Industries series.

Severed Ties: Tainted Love Book 1 by Montana Fyre

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Available to buy from Amazon

Published 16th June 2023

Format: Paperback and Kindle Edition
Pages: 357

This is a dark stalker romance which is linked to Montana Fyre’s Frost Industries but does not require you to have read that series. This book contains dark themes which readers may find distressing. Please make sure you read the content warning before reading this book.

Severed Ties: Tainted Love Book 1 by Montana Fyre

I’ve spent my whole life running.
Running from the sins of my father.
Running from my family.
Running in the opposite direction of anything that could hurt me.
But when it comes time to run for my life, I realise that’s the last thing I want to do.
And the man that’s been lurking in the shadows, the one I could feel but could never see, won’t allow me to.

Tommy wants to own me.
He wants to possess me.
And I’m powerless to the pull his pitch-black soul has to mine.
Can he keep me safe? Or was it a lifetime of running all for nothing?

An enforcer for the Saint James family, Tommy Hart is always on hand to ensure everything is in order. His foster care upbringing has shaped the man he is today which is an advantage in his line of work but not so much when it comes to human connection. His world suddenly refocused a few months ago as he rescued Wynter’s assistant Clara after a Russo attack. Since returning her to her apartment she has become an obsession to him with him installing cameras, trackers etc and following her to and from work.

With her boss, mafia princess Wynter due to go on maternity leave soon, Clara Matthews is working hard to step up and fill her shoes for a few months as CFO of Frost Industries. She is proud of the work she has achieved and pleased that the Saint James family recognise her contribution. When Wynter goes into labour early Clara is forced to step up and help with a systems check for The Circle putting her into the path of Tommy who is not happy to see her in such a dangerous place – even more annoyed when she sneaks out during a fight, gets injured and heads on a date with someone from the office.

Whilst Timmy has had months to process that Clara is his and he isn’t letting her go she is only just finding out the lengths he has gone to over the last few months. When Clara’s past comes calling Tommy is there to find out what is going on and attempt to prevent the actions/threats but what happens when his best isn’t good enough and Clara is taken?

Fractured Vows: Tainted Love Book 2 by Montana Fyre

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Available to buy from Amazon

Published 2nd February 2024

Format: Paperback and Kindle Edition
Pages: 359

This is a dark age gap romance which is linked to the Frost Industries Series but does not require you to have read that series. This book is a romantic suspense and contains dark themes which readers may find distressing. Reader’s discretion should be applied.

Fractured Vows: Tainted Love Book 2 by Montana Fyre

I grew up hating a man I barely knew.
The man responsible for tearing our family apart.
But when my life is threatened, I’m forced to become his wife.
And neither of us are happy about it.
Doc is infuriating, pigheaded, and every bit the asshole I was always told he was.
And yet there’s something about the grumpy tattooed giant that draws me in.

His possessive need to protect me while simultaneously punishing me for our situation is addictive.
And little by little, the hate I feel toward him, turns into something else entirely.
But when my life hangs in the balance, can he save me?
Or was all of this for nothing?

Since obtaining fake IDs Isla and her best friend Bree have been sneaking out to The Vault once a week. A chance to kick back, cut loose and partake in all the fruits of the club. Her parents haven’t been the same since her aunt Clarissa was murdered when Isla was eight years old, losing the friendship she once held with the Hayes family. Bryant Hayes is the owner of the club and for weeks they have flirted and even kissed but she has no intention of taking things further. Attempting to find Bree so she can leave has her intercepting a kidnapping but they wanted Isla, not Bree.

A call out of the blue from his ex-best friend and one-time brother-in-law has Doc making a surprise visit to Boston. He hasn’t been back since his wife Clarissa’s death, for which everyone blames him. So when Isla’s dad tells him that he needs him to marry her to keep her safe from Mason Spade – the actual murderer of Clarissa – Doc is lost for words. So many reasons as to why this marriage of convenience shouldn’t happen not least because he is twice her age. But when the Spade mafia comes to take her away he steps up to protect the young beauty.

Returning to Chicago they have a bumpy start to married life not knowing how to act with one another. The simmering chemistry between them bubbling to the surface they begin to explore things between them. Doc gives her the structure, routine and discipline Isla craves, but as they move from a marriage of convenience to real feelings what happens when old threats return to haunt them?

Shattered Promises: Tainted Love Book 3 by Montana Fyre

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Available to buy from Amazon

Published 12th April 2024

Format: Paperback and Kindle Edition
Pages: 336

This is a dark second-chance romance which is linked to the Frost Industries Series but does not require you to have read that series. This book contains dark themes which readers may find distressing. Please make sure you read the trigger warnings before reading this book.

Shattered Promises: Tainted Love Book 3 by Montana Fyre

There are two distinct times in my life.
Before I was taken.
And after.
When I lost my parents at six and I was thrown into foster care, I didn’t think my life could get any worse.
But I was wrong.
The boy I loved before I understood what those four letters meant made me a promise.
He told me he would save me, but he was too late.

And now, eight years later, I’m beyond salvation.
I can’t be what he needs me to be, because I’m not the girl he left behind.
All that’s left of her is the shattered pieces.
When my past threatens those who saved me, can I walk away to keep them safe?
Or will I be their downfall?

Eight years ago the bottom fell out of Ace’s world as he and his fellow foster brother Tommy returned to her old home to take Mia with them. Having moved out two years previously they had to do a lot of things to have money etc in place for Mia to escape foster care too. Moments too late as they see her bundled into the trunk of a car – Ace vowing to find her, and has searched the dark web high and low for her. Surprised but pleased to have finally found her she helped Clara escape from her capture.

Mia is not the same girl that Ace once knew she has experienced, endured and survived so much over the years. Feeling that she is utterly broken and a burden on Ace, Tommy and the Saint James family who have rescued, homed and provided her with clothes etc. She is simply biding her time until she is captured again as attempts and threats are made.

Ace has loved Mia he has discovered what love is, whilst she has endured so much at the hands of those who have bought and sold her, she will always have his love. Enlisting the help of Emerson to counsel her and find ways to help ease her transition back to everyday life. He can see that she is planning on running away and he finds ways to make her want to stay. Mia realises that Ace holds all her broken pieces together, but as threats become reality will Ace be able to find her before he loses her again?

Similar Books from Montana Fyre

  • Forest Falls Series
    • Wager
    • Flight
    • Fight
    • Betray
  • Frost Industries Series
    • When It Raynes
    • Dead Of Wynter
    • Fall Of Snow
    • Before The Storm
  • Forbidden Pleasures Series
  • Syndicate of Legion Series

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Totally Booked UK

Sarah Anguish

📚 Avid Kindle #bookstagram reader 💕 Hopeless romantic in search of a happy ever after

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